Your smart home, your domovea.domovea is the app of your home automation working with your TJA670/TJA470.Live another kind of smart home experience with this new Hager domovea App. This visualization software allows you to easily interact with you house.• IoTs integrated in a powerful supervision toolWaking up in the morning? Ask your voice assistant to prepare your home for you.Add famous IoTs to enrich your home experience.• Improved design & ergonomicsCustomize your domovea widgets and create a list of favorites according to your habits. Leaving home? Click on the icon to activate the Leaving home scene.• Select different rolesdomovea allows each different member to have his/her own relationship with the house. Need special settings for the kids? Set them up quickly and easily.• Easy scene creationFrom the bedrooms to the garden, each part of the house can respond to everyone’s needs. Want to have some fun? Create a scenario to surprise your family and friends.• Remote accessKeep an eye on your house even when you are not at home. On holidays for a few weeks? Check your energy consumption, alarm system, etc. and adjust your settings remotely if necessary.Please contact your local electrician to find out more about Hager domovea.GooGhywoiu9839t543j0s7543uw1 - pls add
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